Why subscribe to the Real Academics Newsletter?

If feel anxious about your academic writing, want to increase your productivity, or desire to maintain your writing practice, you’ve come to the right place.

You can face your academic writing with purpose, peace, and passion. I started my academic career as an adjunct professor and became an award-winning tenured associate professor at a research university.

I know what it feels like to wonder if you have it in you to write that dissertation, submit that grant or manuscript, tackle that revision…to be told you’re awesome and to then be told you are not good enough…to experience the satisfaction of a job well done while having the fortitude to start all over again.

I am grateful to have been mentored by some of the best academics researching writing productivity, to have the opportunity to conduct research and publishing on academic writing, and to be here to write alongside you. Learn more about me here: https://www.therealacademics.com/who-we-are

You do not have to do this alone. Join me and other amazing writers and creators on the writing journey today.

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Subscribe to The Real Academics Newsletter

I write about ideas, strategies, and resources to support you in your academic writing, research, and career.


My goal is to help aspiring, established, and everything in-between academics reduce writing anxiety, increase writing self-efficacy, and maintain writing productivity. Learn more at www.therealacademics.com